Filming at Almaty State Zoo


As part of the “Wildlife of Kazakhstan” project, animals were filmed in Almaty Zoo, one of the largest zoos in the country. Almaty State Zoological Park is located in the eastern part of Almaty, at the foot of the northern slope of Mount Kok-Tobe. Its borders are located along the streets, and in the western part, the zoo is adjacent to the city's Park of Culture and Recreation. Almaty Zoo is one of the favorite vacation spots for Almaty residents and visitors to the southern capital. They are attracted here by the opportunity to communicate with wild animals — the inhabitants of the zoo, walk in silence along shady alleys, and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and stress. Almaty Zoo is the oldest zoo in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The resulting photos will be used in various information and educational materials, including exhibitions, publications in magazines and online resources. Special attention is paid to photographs of rare and endangered species that will help draw public attention to the need to protect them.

In addition, the best photos are planned to be included in a thematic photo album dedicated to the animals of Kazakhstan, which will become a kind of guide to the world of our country's fauna. In the future, the “Animal World of Kazakhstan” project may be expanded to other regions of the country in order to create a complete picture of Kazakhstan's biodiversity.

The “Animal World of Kazakhstan” project not only allows you to learn more about the country's fauna, but also contributes to its conservation. Photography at the country's largest zoos is an important step towards creating a unique visual archive that will serve as a source of inspiration and information for future generations.
