Indian crested porcupine

scientific name
Listed in the Red Book of the RK:

Status. Category IV. A rare, little-studied species.

Dissemination. It is found in Southern Mangyshlak, in the Talas, Kyrgyz and Zaili Alatau and Karatau, and in the Chu-Ili Mountains. In Southern Mangyshlak, in the Kendirli-Kayasan Plateau area, the Elshibek well, on the Zhabayushkan ledge. In Talas Alatau between the Aksu-Sairam rivers, in Zailiyskoye — Zhetyzhol and Kasteksky — in the western spurs, in the Kokdonen, Aspar, Merke, Karakystak, Karakat, Sarybulak, Chungur gorges, in the Syrdara Karatau — southeastern part and in Maly Karatau.

Status under the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(International union for the conservation of nature)