Saker falcon

scientific name
Falco cherrug
Listed in the Red Book of the RK:

Status in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Category I. The species's population has fallen so sharply in recent years that it has become endangered in many regions of Kazakhstan.

The global population of Falco cherrug is about 6,100-14,900 pairs (the median is about 10,500 pairs). In Kazakhstan, the population in 2012 was estimated at 700-1,400 pairs (median 1,050 pairs) (Kovács et al., 2014). The number is declining.

Distribution: The forest-steppe, steppe and desert zones of Eurasia from the lower reaches of the Danube in the west to Bolshoy Khingan in the east in Kazakhstan, nests in the mountainous regions of the south and east of the republic, in Betpak-Dal, in the Kyzylkum and Mangyshlak mountain groups, in the lower reaches of Ustyurt, in the Naurzum island forests and ribbon forests along the Irtysh, in the lower reaches Turgay and in Western Kazakhstan.

Status under the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(International union for the conservation of nature)