
scientific name
Aquila chrysaetos
Listed in the Red Book of the RK:

Status. Category III.A rare bird with a decreasing population.

Headcount. The global adult population of golden eagles is estimated at about 87,100 mature individuals. The population in Kazakhstan is unknown; according to available data, there are hundreds of couples (Berezovikov, 2010).

Dissemination. It is widely distributed in Eurasia. It hibernates in the same place where it nests. It sporadically inhabits the territory of Kazakhstan. In addition to the mountains of the south and east, where it is most common, the golden eagle lives in Mangyshlak, Ustyurt, Mugodzhary, and in the river valley. The Syr Darya, Kyzylkumakh, Betpak-Dale, at a number of points in the Kazakh Upland, the Kokchetav Raise and the Pavlodar Irtysh region.

Status under the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(International union for the conservation of nature)